Major Wall Street firms routinely engage in naked short selling on a massive scale, though we cannot measure it, because of the way they account for it. 华尔街各大公司常常大规模参与无货卖空(nakedshortselling),但由于各家公司阐述不同,我们无法对此进行衡量。
At that burn rate, GM could effectively run short of cash next summer, without even taking into account further sales declines. 按照这个消耗速度,通用汽车明年夏季就会出现现金短缺,这还没有考虑未来销量进一步下降的因素。
In truth, nothing short of a total change of dynasty and moral code, in that interior kingdom, was adequate to account for the impulses now communicated to the unfortunate and startled minister. 的确,若不是他心内的王国已经改朝换代、纲常全非的话,实在无法解释如今支配着不幸而惊惧的牧师的种种冲动。
In short, everybody should take the overall interest into account. 总之,大家都要从大局着眼。
Equity in a stock account above the legal limit required for margin maintenance in a long or short account. 保证金账户中超过利差要求,可以买入证券之那部分超额保证金。
I'm providing a short version here so if you want to read the full account you'll have to read if yourself ( see details below). 我只给你提供一个短文版在此,详细的内容你想了解就需要自己去阅读。
A Short Account of the Origin, Journey, and Results of the First Royal Prussian ( Second German) Expedition to Turfan in Chinese Turkistan 普鲁士皇家第一次(即德国第二次)新疆吐鲁番考察队的缘起、行程和收获
In short, the long term costs of a slow response are rarely taken into account. 简短地说,人们很少考虑到缓慢反应的长期成本。
If you need to change the short name, you must delete the account and create a new user account with a new short name. 如果您需要更改短名称,就必须删除该帐户并使用新的短名称创建一个新用户。
The home folder isn't actually called "home"; it has your short name as specified in your user account. 个人文件夹实际并不称为“个人”,它采用您在用户帐户中指定的短名称。
Let me begin today's briefing with a short account of the work being performed by UNMOVIC in Iraq. 让我还是先简要地陈述一下联合国监核会在伊拉克所作的工作。
A short biographical or autobiographical account. 个人简历短的传记性或自传性描述。
He preface the diary with a short account of how they are discover 他给这本日记写了序言,简述日记发现的经过
In the short term, import tends to bear the brunt of the trade account's adjustment because exports respond only with a lag. 在短期内,进口往往首当其冲地受到贸易帐户调整的影响,因为出口不会立竿见影地作出反应。
In short, you find all the elements which appear in the creation account, and which God is clearly sovereign over. 简而言之,你发现出现在创世记纪录中的这些元素,上帝清楚地掌管着它们。
Short account of an incident ( especially a biographical one). 对某事件的简短记载(尤其是传记类的)。
Cash over and short account is debited with shortages and credited with overages. 现金溢缺账户在现金短缺时被借记,在现金溢余时被贷记。
So, yes, there is technology designed to beam painful invisible rays at humans, but the weapon seems to fall far short of what could account for many of the TIs'symptoms. 所以,是的,的确有一种技术可以将看不见的引起疼痛的射线发射到人身上。但是,这种武器看起来远远不能够包括受害者的症状。
You can't change the short name for a user account after the account has been created. 您不能更改已创建的用户帐户的短名称。
This paper first presents a short account ef the basic principles of RIS-TOFMS and its current applications. 首先简短地介绍一下有关RIS-TOFMS方法的基本原理和它在一些高科技领域中应用的现状。
Considering those factors, this paper provides some designing principles and parameters for the short distance FSO ( Free Space Optical Communication) system on account of above-mentioned factors. 在分析计算上述因素影响的基础上给出了短距离FSO系统的一些设计原则和参数。
In the next step of work, using the module with GPRS function to develop the application of MMS multimedia short message service may be taken into account. 在下一步的工作中,可以考虑使用GPRS功能的模块并开发MMS多媒体短消息服务的应用。
This article deals briefly with the significance of fire for mankind and gives a short account of the origin of fire and of several ancient Chinese inventions of methods of methods of fire-making. 本文系就火对于人类的意义,火的起源和我国古代发明的几种取火方法加以简要叙述。
The Cultural Functioning of Architectural Journals: A Short Account 建筑期刊的文化作用
Field and indoor experiments show that seeds and short lever account for 76.70% and 73.90% of the picked respectively while broken fringes and seeds account for 3.00% and 4.60% of a long lever. 田间和室内试验测定结果表明:籽粒和穗头占梳脱混合物的76.7%和73.9%,断穗和籽粒在长秆和短秆中的含量为3.0%和4.6%。
A Short Account on Exploration and Prospecting of Magmatic Cu-Ni Sulphide Deposits 略论岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床的找矿与勘探
Traditional forecasting methods may be inappropriate for forecasting of short life cycle products, because they usually do not take into account the characteristics. 对于短生命周期产品的需求预测,传统的预测方法由于没有考虑这类产品的特点,可能并不适用。